Free PDF Linux Shell Scripting with Bash
Free PDF Linux Shell Scripting with Bash
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Linux Shell Scripting with Bash
Free PDF Linux Shell Scripting with Bash
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From the Back Cover
According to IDC, over 170,000 new servers were shipped in the first quarter of 2003. That also means that there were potentially more than 170,000 people like you charged with administering these systems without the proper knowledge or training to do so. "Linux Shell Scripting with Bash" will help you learn to not only get your system up and running quickly by employing the Bash shell, but it will also show you professional scripting solutions through the use of structured programming and standard Linux development tools. The book focuses on the Linux environment, which the shell relies on to function, and the robust Linux tool set, making this book ideal for learning shell scripting. Real-world scripts are included that are readable, extendable and easy to debug. This book is an asset to any Linux user.
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About the Author
Ken Burtch graduated with a Computer Science first class honors degree from Brock University in St. Catharines, Canada and did his Masters work at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada. He has been using Linux since version 0.97, at a time before Linux was popular. He is the founder of PegaSoft Canada (, an association that promotes Linux advocacy, education, and development in southern Ontario. He has worked with a number of companies, including Mackenzie Financial Corporation, one of Canada's largest mutual fund companies. Ken is an active member of the Writers' Circle of Durham Region and his award-winning short story, "Distance," was recently published in the Signatures anthology.
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Product details
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: Sams Publishing; 1 edition (February 8, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0672326426
ISBN-13: 978-0672326424
Product Dimensions:
6.6 x 1.4 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.0 out of 5 stars
22 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,778,675 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
This is definitely a good intermediate level book on bash. Which is a pretty rare breed of bash books :-) The book is one of the few that treat bash as a programming language. And bash in reality is a yet another scripting language, along with being a glue toUnix commands and command like interpreter.Each chapter has a reference section at the end. Unfortunately they are pretty much useless, but you can buy any previous edition of Sobel book for a couple of bucks instead.I think the level of the book is intermediate and the book will be most useful not for absolute novices, but for entry level system administrators, who already know some bash and who what to improve their skills and write better scripts.While written in 2004, the content covers some modern features of bash albeit not always correctly ;-) . The author pays attention to important but rarely understood details of bash language (and it is a complex non-orthogonal scripting language, along with being command interpreter). this dual nature of bash is the major issue in writing a good bash textbook, as it is difficult to cover both and they generally use slightly different style of expressions. .the book covers such model features of bash as declare statement, "let" keyword (which allow wring arithmetic expressions and ((...)) which allow both arithmetic expression and arithmetic comparisons), C-style for loop and some other. Coverage of "let" (chapter 6) is bad and tit look like the author does not understand all nuances correctly, but it is better than nothing :-)In treating bash as a regular scripting language this books competes with very few books that use similar approach. Out of my head I can name just a couple: 4-- Classic Shell Scripting by Arnold Robbins, Nelson H.F. Beebe (2005)-- Pro Bash Programming Scripting the GNU-Linux Shell, Second Edition by Chris F. A. Johnson & Jayant Varma (2015).And despite the fact that the latter book was published in 2015, some elements of the language (for example, integer variables) are treated better in this book, which was published 11 years earlier, in 2004.The book also covers some pretty exotic areas of shell programming such as writing interactive programs. And does it well. At the same time that means that some parts of the books can (and probably should) be skipped on the first reading.Sometimes the author delves into areas that have very little value even for advanced bash programmer. That's a drawback of the book but those section can be simply skipped. Moreover some of such exotic section on the second reading actually have some value, for example you that you can use "command" directive to execute actual command even if you defined an alias of function with the same name.The author also explains some security issues connected with the scripts. And provides several amusing anecdotes of sysadmin blunders, some of which can be includes into "sysadmin horror stories" book.The books has a chapter on Web programming in which the author shows that bash can be used for simple web access operations. That's another very positive feature of the book.At the same time this is definitely not an advanced book. The author lacks understanding of bash internals and his understanding of some advanced features such as eval and co-process communication is superficial, to say the best. Some of his explanations are simply wrong and some are questionable (Let keyword and double quote strings comes to mind). There is little in the book that can help you to write complex scripts.You probably would be better off learning by example, using for example some well written open source program such as Relax_and_restore (which also contains useful style guide).All-in-all explanations are frozen on intermediate level (level of a regular college course on shell) and interplay of features and bash warts are not mentioned.the overview of the language is inconsistent and examples are badly written: the author introduces arithmetic expressions and double square quotes notation and then used obsolete single square notation almost everywhere. That's why I deducted one star.Essentially for the overview of the language you can find a better books. But coverage of more complex topics in chapters 8-17 is commendable and impressive.All in all, I would recommend this book as an intermediate text covering bash mainly as a programming language, not so much as a command line interpreter (although the book contains some unique tips for this area too; for example about interaction of bash and GNU readline with its infamous inputrc file; the author shows some interesting examples of bind command usage; although they might not work with bash 4.2 and modern version of readline, they still have some educational value ).
I have found the book to be very helpful, well organized, and have just the right amount and choice of information. It was easy to follow, and using it as a reference I've built many complex shell scripts.
Arrived, excellent
Nice POSIX examples. Yes, I'm nit-picking, but the cover says the book is "comprehensive" and a comprehensive book is 800 pages, not 412 pages. You might also want to consider "Bash Shell: Essential Programs for Your Survival at Work" by Larry L. Smith
Very prompt service! Description matched the item I received.
Learning BASH on Linux. Have 3 boxes with Linux. New job, need Bash scripts.Also LPic-1 exams too. exam 117-101
...but the proofreader should be fired! Also, the author needs to stick to the topic of Bash scripting and leave out the references, intentional and unintentional, to Korn shell scripting. While I do appreciate the tips about how to write Bash scripts that are backward-compatible with the Korn shell, the author has at times began a topic about a Bash feature, then in the next paragraph suddenly and unexpectantly refers to the Korn shell, giving the impression that the feature applies to the Korn shell rather than the Bash shell. After re-reading the passage several times it becomes apparent that the author may have meant to refer to the Bash shell all along, or that the feature is applicable to the Bash shell - either way, it is never explicitly stated and occasionally leaves the reader wondering how the reference to the Korn shell is relevant to the discussion. There are also several typographic errors in both the text and the code snippets. If you have any experience writing Bash scripts, you should be able to spot the errors and make the necessary corrections with little effort. If you are new to Bash scripting, then you might have to use the trial-and-error approach to find and remove the typos.Typographical errors aside, the author covers, or at least touches on, every major area you will need to know to write effective Bash scripts. The author guides you from the fundamentals, such as declaring scalar variables, arrays, and control logic(branching and loops), to function declaration and definition, all the way up to network and database access scripts.Overall, the content of this book warrants adding it to your library, just be mindful of the typos. I would also recommend obtaining a copy of the free "Advanced Bash Scripting Guide", and especially the book "Wicked Cool Shell Scripts" by Dave Taylor.
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